Gemini Pool Cleaner - Skirt
The Gemini Pool Cleaner's Skirt is a wear and tear part that is normally good for around 2 years.
Tip by Pool Professional:
- Test and keep the water's pH between 7.2 and 7.8 revent damage and softening of plastic part
- Low pH (acidic water) will cause softenic of pool cleaner parts like the disc and the plastic may rub off on the swimming pool's liner
- Replace the Gemini skirt whenever it gets sticky
- A rough swimming pool lining will wear off the Gemini Skirt quick and shorten its life significantly
- Wear-and-tear, stickiness or softening of plastic parts are not covered under warranty (so ensure the water's pH is regularly checked)
Parts defects warranty:
- 6 Months from date of purchase