Garage Door Seal South Africa

Garage Door Seal South Africa
Garage Door Seal South Africa
  • Seller Since Mar 11, 2022
  • Professional Seller Yes
  • Approval Period 1 Days
  • Sales Count 5
  • Approval Rate 100%
Shop Information
Garage Door Seal South Africa offers solutions to weather-proof your garage, and take away a lot of the unwanted irritation of finding your valuables water damaged.

Closed From: Dec 12, 2023

Closed To: Jan 8, 2024

The seller has no review
If you are not completely satisfied with the Garage Door Seals please contact us immediately by sending an email to [email protected] (a handling fee of 20% will be applicable on return).
Contact Information
Corporate Name Garage Door Seal South Africa
Identification Number 2021/973785/07
Address 728 Granite Crescent, Monavoni, Stoneridge, Ext 9
Sandstone Estate, Unit Almond 2
0157 Centurion, Pretoria