ACA Hardware Distributors

ACA Hardware Distributors
  • Seller Since Jun 1, 2023
  • Professional Seller Yes
  • Approval Period 1 Day
  • Sales Count 431
  • Approval Rate 98%
Shop Information
ACA Hardware Distributors is a subsidiary of ACA Capital Pty Ltd, we take pride in serving our customers with the best quality products at the most reasonable prices in market, we hold outstanding relationships with our customers keeping them at the fore front of all our core fundamentals with the saying our customers come first.
We deliver world class customer service and uphold very high standards in our day-to-day operations, be it from members from our floor in dispatch to delivery members we will uphold our standards throughout our process.

Closed From: Dec 23, 2023

Closed To: Jan 7, 2024

The seller has no review
Seven Day Returns Policy
Contact Information
Corporate Name ACA Capital Pty Ltd
Identification Number 2016/120721/07
Address 23 Tile Crescent
Gauteng Industrial Park
1666 Johannesburg