• Seller Since Oct 10, 2023
  • Professional Seller Yes
  • Approval Period 1 Days
  • Sales Count 20
  • Approval Rate 100%
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Product Warranty
10 Year or 4500 cycles
(9000 Cycles on BMS display) Warranty Applicable for all batteries purchased from 2022/11/21
Warranties are effective from date of purchase

All products purchased from Lithium Batteries SA will be shipped with no defects. All products are subject to Lithium Batteries SA's terms and conditions. Before any product is returned to Lithium Batteries SA the client agrees to contact a sales representative in order to follow the correct way forward in refunding, exchanging, or repairing the goods effectively. If a product becomes faulty within the warranty period from the date of purchase, the product may be returned for repair or replacement, after inspection has deemed it to be a production fault then only Lithium Batteries SA will take full responsibility for the shipping fees. There is limited or no warranty on any loose components purchased. The warranty only applies to assembled and sealed batteries by Lithium Batteries SA. If the assembled battery seal is broken your warranty will be for-fitted. Refunds will only apply to faulty items that are under warranty.
Contact Information
Corporate Name Lithium Batteries SA
Identification Number 2019/393745/07
Address 54 Mimetes Road Denver Johannesburg
2011 Johannesburg
South Africa