We have a comprehensive development plan to ensure continuous employee growth and learning in a dynamic and ever-changing environment.  We put our people first, we build competencies, we empower our people with learning tools and training that will translate to exceptional customer service, and we provide value and quality products.

Training Programs

We are committed to the continuous growth and development of our employees. To achieve this, we have implemented comprehensive training programs designed to enrich our employees with a diverse skill set. These programs are structured to cover both technical skills, ensuring proficiency in the latest tools and technologies relevant to their roles, and soft skills, fostering adaptability, effective communication, and interpersonal effectiveness.

Learnership Program

In partnership with the SETA, we are proud to offer a diverse range of training interventions, including our flagship Learnership Program in Wholesale and Retail Operations Supervision. This comprehensive 12-month program is strategically implemented on a yearly basis, providing participants with an immersive learning experience.

WBS Supervisory Development

Our Wits Supervisory Program is aimed at collaborators whose role entails the addressing of challenges in a linear pathway, while at the same time reflects on experience and things learned to diagnose emerging problems and initiate actions to prevent or overcome the problems identified. The short course is designed around 4 core integrators (Business communication, leadership, intra/entrepreneurship and business growth).

Here’s a glimpse into the inspiring journeys of our remarkable collaborators. They've emerged as true champions in their professional development, having completed rigorous training programs like the RPL Generic Management, Wits Supervisory Program, and our Leadership Development Program.